Youth Ministries- JARS

2 Corinthians 4:7

Our Youth programs meet to grow in the pursuit of the knowledge of Christ. We love to be together and have fun while we are growing spiritually! We meet regularly throughout the year and have events often. We go on trips to Kings Island, have lock-in all nighters at the church, spur of the moment things, service opportunites and much, much more! 

Come Check Us Out!

Junior High (6-8 Grades):

Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m. (Room 135)

Sunday evenings at 5:00-6:30 p.m. (Room 134)   

Wednesday evening at 6:00-7:15 (Various Rooms)

High School (9-12 Grades):

Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m. (Room 134)

Sunday evenings at 5:00-6:30 (Room 134)

      Wednesday evening at 6:00-7:15 (Various Rooms)


Looking Ahead!

JanuaryDodgeball 18th; Service Day 25th
FebuaryDodgeball 1st; Parent night 16th; Winter Camp 21-23rd
March5th Quarter @OneChurch; Indy Explosion 14-15th; Dodgeball 29th
April5th Quarter @ALC; Spring Clean 5th; Backpacking(Junior/Senior) 11-12th; Dodgeball 26th
MaySenior Day 18th
JuneKokomo United; Missions Trip 22nd-28th
JulyKings Island 21st
AugustNew JARS Day 2nd; Lock-In 29-30th
SeptemberDodgeball 20th; Backpacking (Freshman/Sophmore) 26-27th
OctoberDodgeball 11th; Movie Night 29th
NovemberService Day 8th; Fall Retreat 14-16th (Possibly)
DecemeberCookies and Caroling 10th; Christmas Party 21st
These are tenative and may change

Contact Pastor Josh for more info: